Wildlife & Tracking Courses
Wildlife Tracking
Wildlife tracking can be divided into track and sign identification and trailing or following the animals using the tracks and sign they leave behind. These two disciplines are two sides of the same coin and combined with knowledge of animal behaviour and identification, lead to tracking competence. We are able to offer training and also evaluations in both track and sign and trailing through CyberTracker Conservation the world standard in assessing the ability of wildlife trackers.
Tracking iconic wildlife in the Kruger national park Africa with three senior trackers
These track and sign programmes combine three days of workshop training followed immediately by a CyberTracker evaluation.
The International Standard For Wildlife Tracking. The evaluations are a transparent, balanced and accurate assessment of a tracker’s ability in both track and sign identification and trailing or following the animals.
Shorter Track & Sign and Trailing workshops from one to three days. These cover both general concepts and also can be tailored to specific groups of animals and subjects areas.